Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dry season

Its a dry, dry season...

The days are gloomy, its raining all through the days and nights... Its a dry, dry season.

The dampness slowly spread to the walls and then to the furniture.... Its a dry, dry season.

The rains and moist air keeps my bed and covers damp... Its a dry, dry season.

Mind and body aching for warmth and comfort, but does not find it anywhere... Its a dry, dry season.

The cold winds and the damp atmosphere has turned my mind into a sloth... Its a dry, dry season.

The mind which was happily wandering and discovering new plains for me does not budge, and slumbers in the wet covers... Its a dry, dry season.

And the want for a downpour, or at least a drizzle, of imagination to soak my thirsty dreams, to wake my mind, to help me fly over the mountains and the sea, still lingers somewhere deep in my mind... But damn it! Its a dry, dry season.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Back again

Once again, back in action. Thanks to my fiancée, I have re-introduced myself to the world of dreams. Hopefully my dreams would turn sweeter now. Waiting to be hit by the next weird dream!