Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How to unwind

5 ways to unwind

  1. Intoxication - Get drunk or smoke weed. The high will unwind your stressed out brain. Con - You might have a hangover next morning. Oh, and watch your liver and heart, especially if your choice is booze
  2. Vacation - Go on a vacation. Spend time away from all worries and do things that are stress-free and enjoyable to you. Con - Needs more planning and financial investment
  3. Yoga - Yoga and meditation works wonders for most people who practice it. It can unwind you and will also improve your health. Con - Need to get professional training and is not advisable for the lazy
  4. Arts - Draw a picture, paint something, sing a song, dance to your favorite music. All these things can entertain your mind and give your brain some relaxing exercises. Read yoga for the brain. Con - Well, not all of us are artistic and hence the end results might not be fully satisfying
  5. Day-dreaming - Sit back, do nothing, and start a day-dream. You can punch your boss on his face, you can burn the office down, you can kick your colleagues, the opportunities are endless. Con - you could end up writing a blog that no one reads ;)

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