Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Specially unique

What makes you special and unique?
Your appearance? They say even identical twins are only 80-85% similar. So you are truly unique in your appearance, regardless of how similar you are with your sibling or a total stranger. But that does not make you special.

Your genes? Oh yes, genes are truly unique. Like your appearance, there cannot be another person who has the same genetic code (whatever that means) as you have. But again, when you think of it, that’s nothing special.

Your personality? They (maybe not the same "they" I mentioned earlier, but you do get my point, don't you?) say your personality is only 20% based on your genes/heredity. Rest is all built upon your experiences. So a lot of other personalities can influence your personality. Okay, you kind of get it, right? I mean personality is not truly unique even though it can be special.

So then, what makes you specially unique? From my experience, I have realized that random acts of kindness and selfless actions for others make you specially unique for that one moment. And to me, that is all it becomes a man to achieve in his life. He can create moments of uniqueness, moments where he rises above all to do the "God-work". Oh yeah, now I kind of understand some of the unconventional theories around Gods and also why God is almost always in human form. Almost.

So the theory is that you cannot become God. But you can do the "God-work" for a moment and enjoy that. If you really start getting a high on that, you repeat the feat often and you will be called a living angel and posthumously, you might even get elevated to sainthood. How cool is that.

Now this describes why people don't do that often. Its God's job to fix things and we are not God. Wait a second! Could it be that we created this God figure to explain why we are not doing these good deeds? We say that God is the supreme power who controls everything, the great magician (oh yeah, magic!) and is so perfect that we human beings cannot even understand him with all his perfection. Gives us enough reason to not be God.

I do not believe in a humanoid God. God is not a being. Its that bit of goodness inside us. Just like the God particle in all matter (thank you CERN!), God is part of us. We do not understand this part as it is totally perfect (same goes for God particle). It takes a huge tunnel dug across two countries and a hell lot of money and time invested to get a glimpse of the God particle. But here, the real God is different. It does not take a lot of effort to get a glimpse. You see a homeless guy, you turn to the next coffee shop and buy him a sandwich, and voila! God is here! God does not do magic. God cannot do great things. God can only do small things with great love - said someone who kept bringing out the God inside her quite often.

So if God is within you, where is heaven? Looking up? We have already proven that it’s a few kilometers of thin air, some clouds, a layer of ozone, then empty space filled with meteors and comets, other planets, satellites (natural and man-made), billions of stars, and all the stuff that we do not know, but know that we might know later. So where is this heaven anyway? Indian mythology says heaven is where the God resides. And since God is within you, heaven is also within you. Oh did someone ask about Satan? Well, change all that I have said above to negative and evil things and replace God with Satan, heaven with hell. There is your answer. Simple and saves me time and paper (or space and keystrokes).

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